Secondary Education
Grades 9 - 12

Upon graduation, our students are required to seek secondary education off-reserve. Armstrong Public School only administers the primary grades, up until Grade 8. It is the intent of the Boarding Home Program to identify homes and boarding parents that will house the students during the school year. The primary focus of the program is to provide a support system for our youth; to meet their needs where they are the true benefactors. Leaving the love and security of their families can make the transition to high school a difficult one for students. Our youth must adjust to their new surroundings in addition to facing the challenges of the secondary curriculum.

The Whitesand Youth are fortunate in that our community is road accessible and within travelling distance to Thunder Bay. To ensure that the family unit remains intact, the Band operates a monthly bus run, allowing students to travel home during the weekends.

Bus Passes

Students are issued one (1) monthly bus pass to get from School to boarding home. While residing in Thunder Bay. Whitesand is not responsible for lost or stolen bus passes. Parents will be responsible for replacing and /or providing some form of transportation.

Tickets and Passes

Bus fare $2.75
20 ride $44.00
Tickets 10 for $24.75
Day Pass $11.00
Monthly Youth $55.00


Whitesand’s Health department will hold presentations for the High School Students on a monthly basis. Presentations focus on health such as fitness, public safety, safe sex, summer safety, etc. Other activities include outings that encourage staying fit.

Angela Nodin, Health Coordinator
CHR: Brenda Kwandibens
(807) 583-2671


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